Wednesday, January 7, 2009

R&G Man

Ok so i think that the "question game" in R&G are Dead is showing the how crazy hamlet is. obviously you have to have seen hamlet to understand this movie. and well frankly the game that goes on between the two is so confusing and difficult to follow...just like hamlet. Maybe I'm way off but it seems like this separate story is also showing how messed up things really are in this kingdom. when Hamlet went "crazy" he asked a lot of question to the people that he lived with and surrounded him. He just didn't make sense a lot of time. And for a person viewing this movie or even for the characters that may hear or experience R&G may find them crazy and confusing but they have a purpose just as the game has a purpose .

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Senior quote...happy mj?

Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked. But it's not like this compulsive need to be liked. Like my need to be praised.
-Michael Scott...The Office

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What the heck is art?

Art is so personal. And when it comes down to it I believe we most defiantly have the right to be very picky when deciding what we like and dislike. One person may look at a painting, sculpture, ballet, or a photograph and hate it therefor placing this specific piece of work in the genera of "non art" which to me seems wrong. An example I would like to share is when people stared creating paintings of things that didn't exist these people were called renaissance artists. about 1430 is when this revolution began to take place. Up until approximately 1430 it was unheard of to paint unrealistic things and secular paintings. Artists painted nature and portrait pretty much so when Caravaggio, Botticelli and Masaccio came around traditional artists didn't know what to do with themselves. They automatically said what you have created isn't art is an embarrassment to our generation and the generations to come you should be ashamed. But they weren't they continued painting "what they felt" and look at where it has brought us today. people are so quick to say this is wrong and it's not art because it is something new and different and they don't like it. I think we need to realize that there are things we are not going to like that a person, whether its the artist presenting the work or just someone you know or may not know, my classify as art. We need to recognize we do not like it, voice our opinions about why we don't like it but there is no denying that the work is a piece of art.. all it take is one person to make something art. If a person writes a song in their bedroom and stuffs it under there bed purposefully intending for no one to hear it but, if some one finds it and is touched by it and plays the song for an audience you have art.(hypothetically speaking)Even if the person who wrote the song originally is not preforming it.... it doesn't matter. once a creation reaches an audience of people you have opened a can of worms. Some will hate it some will love it and even if in a group of 1,000 people only one person, just one says this is beautiful(whatever it may be) it's art. Art is a creation of the mind(even if the mind is on the beetles) something beautiful, something ugly, something dark and evil, something bright and lovely, something functional. art is an expression a journey and even unintentional. Art has been evolving for years. since the beginning of time when God painted the first sunset and gave man his first breath. Art will continue to evolve, there is nothing we can do about that. accept and/or appreciate

Monday, October 20, 2008

worldview overload

  1. God and the Universe?The universe was created by a higher power, God, so there is a God and the universe was created it just didn't appear by accident or chance. God has given Adam and Eve specific duties to preform during their time spent on earth but ultimately God is governing the universe and everything that inhabits it.
  2. Humanity and Identity?Personally when asked the question what would e the nature of human beings in She Unnames Them?I would say that eve is breaking the mold. she obviously doesn't like or doesn't agree with the names given to these animals and is going to say something about it or try and do something about it. I feel we can really relate this to present time. women use to be unequal to men, weren't suppose to talk ect. and now look at where we are we have our own jobs we play sports that were originally only to be played by men, we are leaders of companies. so the natural thing for a human being to do in this situation would be to speak up. How much power do we have? well not a lot there is really no significant example of humans expressing power over something except naming and unnaming animals.
  3. Conflict and Suffering?Basically Eve doesn't like these names and wants to unnamed the animals. The universe is flawed because we have a sinful nature and arn't perfect like the creator. I suppose the flaws would be disagreement but i don't necessarily think disagreement is a bad thing. i believe it can turn sour when the disagreement is taken to a personal level(like it always seems to do during third hr english) and the people involved attack the person not the argument.
  4. Hope and Redemption? Eve finds hope in unnaming animals because she doesn't feel they do them justice or are just completely wrong.
  5. Values? How do Adam, Eve and God find value in life? God is on a completely different level God is our father he loves us and is fighting for us on a day to day basis he values us, humans his children, he values our lives and our passions. Adam and Eve valued animals maybe in a different way but that was the impression i received from this.
  6. Truth and Reality? No this is not true the bible never says anything about Eve wanting to unname the far as im concerned
Christian Christian Christian....thats what i think. even though Eve didn't like the names, didn't like her own name and didn't like living, God still loved and valued her...sounds like something i have heard before....hmmm

Sunday, October 19, 2008

"American Pie"...Not The Movie

  • God in the universe?My answer to this is yes there is the person in control seems to be God even though Don McLean doesn't seem to be pleased with the way he handles things(personal opinion)
  • Humanity and Identity? The nature of human beings in this particular song is sorta depressing. its almost as if they have all this hope in God and they have all these expectations for him and when he doesn't fulfill them just as they want them to be they turn away and give up as if he never existed "Drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry and them good old boys drinkin' whiskey and rye singin' this'll be the day that i die." If we like how God is laying out our lives we let God have all he power and we let him "drive our lives" If we don't like it was take control and turn away and do what we want even if we are not happy.
  • Conflict and Suffering?I see a major conflict between satin and God fighting for us, for our souls i suppose
  • Hope and Redemption?I said this earlier but i feel as if Don is so hopeful in God but is constantly disappointed and then finally gets to a point where he gives us, which would be the end of the song
  • Values? music most definitely
  • Truth and Reality? I honestly am not to sure what to say about this question. according to Don God is real but isnt always there for everyone.
So in conclusion of all that i think that this is a Christian worldview but possible written from a different worldview if that makes any sense. i know mj mentioned this briefly in third hr...if it doesn't make any sense ask mj

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oh You Know....Just Some Info On Worldviews

I really believe that in every piece of literature the author either comes right out and states their worldview boldly so you can make no mistake what their point and direction is, or they imply their worldview through their story/writings in a more subtle way to get the message across on where they stand. In essence, there just cannot be a piece of literature, that in one way or another, doesn't express a type of worldview.