Monday, October 20, 2008

worldview overload

  1. God and the Universe?The universe was created by a higher power, God, so there is a God and the universe was created it just didn't appear by accident or chance. God has given Adam and Eve specific duties to preform during their time spent on earth but ultimately God is governing the universe and everything that inhabits it.
  2. Humanity and Identity?Personally when asked the question what would e the nature of human beings in She Unnames Them?I would say that eve is breaking the mold. she obviously doesn't like or doesn't agree with the names given to these animals and is going to say something about it or try and do something about it. I feel we can really relate this to present time. women use to be unequal to men, weren't suppose to talk ect. and now look at where we are we have our own jobs we play sports that were originally only to be played by men, we are leaders of companies. so the natural thing for a human being to do in this situation would be to speak up. How much power do we have? well not a lot there is really no significant example of humans expressing power over something except naming and unnaming animals.
  3. Conflict and Suffering?Basically Eve doesn't like these names and wants to unnamed the animals. The universe is flawed because we have a sinful nature and arn't perfect like the creator. I suppose the flaws would be disagreement but i don't necessarily think disagreement is a bad thing. i believe it can turn sour when the disagreement is taken to a personal level(like it always seems to do during third hr english) and the people involved attack the person not the argument.
  4. Hope and Redemption? Eve finds hope in unnaming animals because she doesn't feel they do them justice or are just completely wrong.
  5. Values? How do Adam, Eve and God find value in life? God is on a completely different level God is our father he loves us and is fighting for us on a day to day basis he values us, humans his children, he values our lives and our passions. Adam and Eve valued animals maybe in a different way but that was the impression i received from this.
  6. Truth and Reality? No this is not true the bible never says anything about Eve wanting to unname the far as im concerned
Christian Christian Christian....thats what i think. even though Eve didn't like the names, didn't like her own name and didn't like living, God still loved and valued her...sounds like something i have heard before....hmmm

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