Sunday, October 19, 2008

"American Pie"...Not The Movie

  • God in the universe?My answer to this is yes there is the person in control seems to be God even though Don McLean doesn't seem to be pleased with the way he handles things(personal opinion)
  • Humanity and Identity? The nature of human beings in this particular song is sorta depressing. its almost as if they have all this hope in God and they have all these expectations for him and when he doesn't fulfill them just as they want them to be they turn away and give up as if he never existed "Drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry and them good old boys drinkin' whiskey and rye singin' this'll be the day that i die." If we like how God is laying out our lives we let God have all he power and we let him "drive our lives" If we don't like it was take control and turn away and do what we want even if we are not happy.
  • Conflict and Suffering?I see a major conflict between satin and God fighting for us, for our souls i suppose
  • Hope and Redemption?I said this earlier but i feel as if Don is so hopeful in God but is constantly disappointed and then finally gets to a point where he gives us, which would be the end of the song
  • Values? music most definitely
  • Truth and Reality? I honestly am not to sure what to say about this question. according to Don God is real but isnt always there for everyone.
So in conclusion of all that i think that this is a Christian worldview but possible written from a different worldview if that makes any sense. i know mj mentioned this briefly in third hr...if it doesn't make any sense ask mj

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