Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What the heck is art?

Art is so personal. And when it comes down to it I believe we most defiantly have the right to be very picky when deciding what we like and dislike. One person may look at a painting, sculpture, ballet, or a photograph and hate it therefor placing this specific piece of work in the genera of "non art" which to me seems wrong. An example I would like to share is when people stared creating paintings of things that didn't exist these people were called renaissance artists. about 1430 is when this revolution began to take place. Up until approximately 1430 it was unheard of to paint unrealistic things and secular paintings. Artists painted nature and portrait pretty much so when Caravaggio, Botticelli and Masaccio came around traditional artists didn't know what to do with themselves. They automatically said what you have created isn't art is an embarrassment to our generation and the generations to come you should be ashamed. But they weren't they continued painting "what they felt" and look at where it has brought us today. people are so quick to say this is wrong and it's not art because it is something new and different and they don't like it. I think we need to realize that there are things we are not going to like that a person, whether its the artist presenting the work or just someone you know or may not know, my classify as art. We need to recognize we do not like it, voice our opinions about why we don't like it but there is no denying that the work is a piece of art.. all it take is one person to make something art. If a person writes a song in their bedroom and stuffs it under there bed purposefully intending for no one to hear it but, if some one finds it and is touched by it and plays the song for an audience you have art.(hypothetically speaking)Even if the person who wrote the song originally is not preforming it.... it doesn't matter. once a creation reaches an audience of people you have opened a can of worms. Some will hate it some will love it and even if in a group of 1,000 people only one person, just one says this is beautiful(whatever it may be) it's art. Art is a creation of the mind(even if the mind is on drugs...like the beetles) something beautiful, something ugly, something dark and evil, something bright and lovely, something functional. art is an expression a journey and even unintentional. Art has been evolving for years. since the beginning of time when God painted the first sunset and gave man his first breath. Art will continue to evolve, there is nothing we can do about that. accept and/or appreciate

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